T2RLTalks with Shawn Richards: The future of Delivery

T2RL podcast with Shawn Richards about the future of delivery within the Offer Order world.

T2RLTalks with Shawn Richards: The future of Delivery
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T2RLTalks by Travel Technology Research Ltd from the T2RLEngage series features Ian Tunnacliffe, SVP Consulting and Editor in Chief, in conversation with Shawn Richards, CEO of Ink Innovation. This episode invites us to think about how modern technology transforms airline processes, opening new doors to improve the passenger journey.

The inflection point for the airline industry

The airline industry is at a critical juncture where long-standing processes need a revamp to keep up with changing technological landscapes. Many existing procedures have remained largely unchanged for decades. With the new Offer Order model, there is a massive opportunity to redefine operations and bring more value to passengers and airlines.

It's quite easy to see that the industry is at an inflection point. That’s the one many people have lobbied for for a long time, that things should be different.

Defining delivery processes

Why confine delivery to the 24-hour window before departure? We shouldn’t. Instead, it must start as soon as an order is created, engaging with the passenger from booking to boarding. This approach can fill gaps in the current process, providing a more connected and personalised journey.

We see delivery as an opportunity to broaden the scope of operations. It can start as soon as the first order is created.

Partnerships with third-party vendors

What role can third-party vendors play in the delivery system? Airlines, burdened by high operational costs, can leverage partnerships with third-party service providers to enrich passengers' experiences without deviating from their core business. Delivery systems can act as a noise filter, enabling airlines to offer add-on products.

An airline has huge costs, and its opportunity to offset those costs is just at the ticket sale. The delivery system can play a key role in facilitating third-party services.

Flexibility and modular solutions

Flexibility in delivery and order management systems is crucial for the industry's transformation. Ink advocates for modular solutions that allow airlines to tailor their systems to specific needs instead of being limited by traditional PSS (Passenger Service Systems). This flexibility is a key to providing passengers with a more unique travel experience.

We need to give airlines the flexibility to define what they want to do when and how, and not set up a model that's so strictly defined that there is no flexibility.

Join Ink in defining the Delivery

The discussion underscores the need for the airline industry to embrace modern technology and rethink traditional models. By starting the delivery process earlier and integrating third-party services, airlines can create the experiences passengers expect and improve how they operate.

The upcoming T2RLEngage conference promises to explore these themes further, bringing industry leaders together to discuss the future of airline delivery. As an Innovation Partner of T2RL, Ink invites you to join us at the conference in London on September 23-25.

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About the Author

Shawn is the Chief Executive Officer of Ink Innovation, a company that works with travel companies and other corporations to improve experiences and journeys.

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