"We started creating that product..."

The story of Martin Aguilera, lead software engineer, about his 20-years journey with Ink.

"We started creating that product..."
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When Martin joined Ink almost 20 years ago, it was a small, tight-knit team. "It was just a few of us – Shawn, Janet, and Víctor Alzate are the only ones still around from back then," he recalls. He started with small projects, but then, things took off when Shawn introduced a project related to airports and airlines.

Read Martin Aguilera’s story, one of the invaluable members of our development team, who is working from Argentina and is a real rock star.

Much bigger now

I started with small projects, the first being a hotel booking website and some internal admin pages. But then, Shawn introduced a project related to airports and airlines. We started creating that new product, initially focused on a Departure Control application. The aviation industry was new to me, and there was a lot to learn and many concepts to understand. There was a lot of work involved in building everything from scratch.

Today, we do so much more than just Departure Control. Ink is way bigger and has more complex processes. I’ve seen it all, from the early days of personal, hands-on development to today’s structured, process-driven environment.

Go-to guy for solving problems

These days, my role has shifted quite a bit. I'm the go-to guy for solving problems and providing technical guidance. I'm almost always on calls, helping developers and explaining solutions. My deep knowledge of IATCI, APIS and other technical details makes me a resource for both developers and the architecture team. I bridge the gap between support and development.

It is personal

For me, Ink isn’t just a job; I’ve been here for almost 20 years, so it's a huge part of my life. My long-standing relationships, especially with Shawn and Víctor, are more like friendships. We’ve been through a lot together. Everyone was involved in creating the product, and back then, Shawn did some of the development work, too.

The company’s spirit has been a constant draw for me. It's innovative now and was innovative 20 years ago when there were no web-based DCS. I love how Ink has always pushed the envelope, from the early days of web-based DCS to today’s advanced aviation solutions.

I also appreciate the diverse cultures within the company. Working with people from different cultures and backgrounds brings many fresh perspectives and ideas and adds value beyond the technical aspects of solving problems.

There’s always room for fun

I’ve faced challenges, particularly in communication with a global team, but I take them in stride. There was a funny story from the early days—a programming error that sent all the luggage for passengers disembarking at station B to station C. We quickly fixed it, but it was stressful at the time. And then there was that tense moment during a project when one of my colleagues from Colombia started whistling a song from ‘Kill Bill’, lightening the mood and making everyone smile. Since then, when challenges occur, we whistle it.

And outside of work, I love rock and playing with my own band.

An incredible ride

Looking ahead, I’m excited about Ink’s future, especially with projects we run now with serious full-service airlines. I see myself sharing my knowledge and guiding newer team members, which makes me happy. It’s been an incredible ride at Ink.

About the Author

Martin is a Lead Software Engineer at Ink. Based in Argentina, he has been with the company since its inception in the early 2000s.

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